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Septs: Allum Andie Askie Aulay Beaton Beton Berthea Bethune CAllam CAlley Callum Caskey Caskie Caulay Cauley Challum Coll Corquodale Cremmon Crimmonde Nicole Gillecallum Griman Grimman Grimmond Herald Haraldson Harold Harrold Heraldsoun Herrald Kasky Kerkyll Lewis MacAlear MacAllam MacAllay MacAlley MacAllum MacAlman MacAndie MacAsgill MacAskey MacAskie MacAskill MacAulay MacAuley MacCabe MacCaig MacCallam MacCalman MacCaskie MacCaskill MacCaulay MacCauley MacClewer MacClure MacCoig MacCoradail MacCorkle MacCorkill Maccorkindale MacCorkle MacCorley MacCorquell MacCorquodale MacCowig MacCrimmon MacCrivag MacCrummon MacCuaig MacGillechallum MacGrimmon MacGrymen MacHandle MacHarold MacKaig MacKandle MacKaskill MacaKasky MacLewer MacLeur MacLewis Maclur MacNichol MacNickle(s) MacOrkill MacQuaig MacQuigg MacRaild MacRalte MacRimmon MacThoracadall MacWilliam Malcolm Malcomlson Necolson Nicholl(s) Nicholson Nickle(s) Nicol(s) Nicolson Norman Normand Nor Norn Norie Norrie Norris Norval Norwell Nuccol Nuckall Nuccol Nuckall Nucolson Ronaldson Taskill Tolmie Tormod Williamson 


Motto: Hold Fast


Clan MacLeod Of Harris Custom 8-Yard Wool Blend Kilt made to your measurements. All Wool Blend Custom Kilts are made in the old world style featuring sewn down 2-inch pleats and 3 leather straps for a secure, comfortable fit.




MacLeod Of Harris

  • Have someone help you with these measurements if possible.


    To obtain the waist measurement, measure around the navel. This is your natural waist. It's important to relax (no sucking it in) when taking this measurement so the kilt will not fit too tightly. Remember, a kilt is all about comfort!


    To obtain the length, measure the distance between the natural waist and the middle of the knee cap. A good way to do this is to kneel on the floor and measure the distance from the natural waist to the floor.


    If you don't see your size, no worries! Just message us with your measurements and the tartan you would like.


American Highlander is your One-Stop Shop
for High-Quality, Affordable Kilts, Celtic Clothing & Gifts! 

  • American Highlander Kilts
  • American Highlander Kilts
  • American Highlander Kilts


American Highlander Kilts & Accessories
186 Scotch Road, Ewing, NJ 08628


American Highlander sells Kilts & Highland Clothing including complete  formal kilt outfits, custom kilts in clan or county tartans, casual & utility kilts & a large selection of Irish & Scottish Gifts


© 2021 by American Highlander Kilts

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